Thursday, July 1, 2010

Something to think about

Since beginning on this journey, one thing that keeps happening is that I am meeting a lot of men. I had to stop and ask myself, why am I meeting so many men? The answer, one of them, is that like when I was married, there is no pressure when men approach me. And I have even approached one, not for me…but for my new business venture (it's coming, stay tuned!!!). There’s no rejection that I have to worry about because he’s not rejecting me, he’s rejecting the program.

Rejection is huge. And I can’t even begin to think about putting myself in a situation where I may be rejected on a continual basis. That is a lot of pressure; yet, I do believe that where men used to be in that situation solely, slowly, it's changing. Women put themselves in that position all the time, and I can only believe that it’s a daunting place to be and I’m not sure why they do it. When I have approached men (read: one man…”Rico Santiago”) it was truly innocent. There was no pressure. I wasn’t approaching him about dating me, or assessing his interest in me. We spoke about my new business venture and how/if he would be a good fit and why, and no, Rico is not a good fit (according to him...though I think he's in denial). We spoke about the ins and outs of the life and when we solved all the world’s problems some eight hours later, I found that we had a good rapport. We had a good dialogue, an easy chemistry (obviously because the bartender who knows me…and maybe him too…not my normal spot but I know the tender from another restaurant) bought us both a drink and later found us and said that he couldn’t put two better people together. That was odd for both of us as that scenario had never happened to me before and maybe Todd (the bartender) knew something we didn’t. We did have a great time together. (as evident in our attending to two additional parties later and then breakfast, listening to birds chirp through the open sunroof driving the restaurant. Gotta love Chicago summers.)

Anyhow, I digress, that story is for another time. That interaction sparked a thought…if you take the pressure off of your initial interactions with others; can that make for a better experience? And by better, I mean easier, less pressure. Something to think about.

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