Monday, August 2, 2010

Happy August the Summers tend to do here in Chicago, it's winding down sooner than it should it seems. And then I had a thought. I REALLY enjoyed my July birthday (as I celebrated each day and did something special for me each day) so why not extend it? The majorities of Leos are born in August, so there will be many more opportunities to celebrate me this month, too.

I will vacation in Martha's Vineyard next week, I purchased a fun Groupon to paint pottery with my daughter, I'm still receiving (free) organic veggies from Farmer Renee via my sister...not sure I should stop the party just yet. I think my birthday celebration is going to be extended...until August 31. Stop one associates Virgos with August. We Leos are just too dominant ;)

Anywho, much to report later. This is just a quick update...I'm still celebrating!!!
