Since my divorce and subsequent thrust into the world of single, I have been struck by how men expect so much from women…to cater to them especially if they are “successful”. But even if they aren’t, they still hold an expectation that you (woman) will take care of them. Of course, I was married for just over a decade (child bride;) and we dated for a while too, so I’ve been out of the game for a long time and things have changed. A lot!
Women had a coveted role in being pursued rather than being the aggressor, but that’s changing and I don’t like it. I’ve had a very strong reaction to this and every man I meet, I feel a need to let him know about this little epiphany I've noticed after my 15 year hiatus. And they always agree. Women agree too, but they don't have the same reaction that I do. They seem to accept it and men sheepishly agree. WHAT?!!! I want to help us all by putting us back on track. I think that it does women a huge disservice to be in the hunter role. Yes, I get it, lioness' are the provider for food for the entire pride...and I'm a Leo, but come on...really?
Do men really want to be pursued? And if so, why? It goes against nature, men should be men and women should be ladies. But I'm getting on my soap box. I plan to delve into this a bit further later...I'm not done!
Women have become so aggressive that men have subsequently become lazy. Why should they pursue you? In their mind, and rightfully so it seems, some chick will be over to offer the same thing you can do and more, in color. The sad thing is because of the, let's keep it real, looseness of the women, a majority of grown men have returned to being little boys. They take you out for dinner...they expect sex. They take you for a drink....they expect sex. They take you for a chicken wing with a biscuit...they expect sex. Where are the grown men who wine, dine and want to get to know you?